Saturday, December 3, 2022

Sunday Muse #238

 Hello Writers Extraordinaire!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and spent quality time with those you love!  This week our theme is hands, but you probably already figured that out. Laughing out loud. 🤣  I hope that one of the images grabs you!

Added Note: I will be out of pocket much of the weekend, so I will not be back to comment here our at your amazing blogs until Monday. I look forward to seeing you all then.

Have fun everyone!

💛 Carrie

Photo by Hein Rich on Flickr

"An Anchor" by Giafranco Meloni


  1. Just brilliant Carrie, brilliant concept, brilliant images —this is inspiring… 🙂✌🏼🕊❤️

  2. Have a good weekend, Carrie. Thanks for the wonderful images.

    1. You are very welcome my lovely friend Sherry! I will be heading to read everyone's writing this afternoon.

  3. Sooo many good choices. I made mine and a thene last night before sleeping. But TV stole my ambition, cheering for three teams, U.S.A. for World Cup and then for TCU (Texas team) and LSU (Mrs. Jim's Louisiana team) for their American Football confference championships. So I decided on a Haiku until I had a small brainstorm saying this shouldn't be the end and made it a Tanka.
    Carrie, I hope you have nice weekend.
    We were away for a nice cruise, Houston to London for four nice days, then the 1616-day cruise back to Ft Lauderdale, then home.

    1. A cruise sounds lovely Jim! Thank you for the well wishes my friend! My weekend was wonderful!

  4. Hello Carrie. I just realized this evening that I had inadvertently posted a link to the working draft of my piece entitled “Touch”. I have corrected the error. The link now takes you to the final edit of the finished piece, which has evolved significantly from the initial working draft. I’m embarrassed. 😳✌🏼🕊❤️

    1. No worries Rob...later this afternoon I will fix whatever is supposed to not be linked. 😁

  5. Good Sunday everyone. Welcome back Carrie after your Thanksgiving holiday. Great to see again your inspiring photo finds for us.


    1. Thank you dear Gillena! I will be heading to read yours and everyone's later this afternoon.

  6. Thanks for the beautiful choice of images <3

  7. Love the images Carrie. My poem is a bit cynical, but hey, the muse goes where the muse goes. :)

    1. You are so right my friend. We must follow where the Muse leads us. So glad you are here Susie!
