Saturday, November 19, 2022

Sunday Muse #237

Good morning my friends! So glad you are here for another week at the Muse.  This time our theme is paths into the distance.  I look forward to seeing where they lead your words!  Also, I wanted to let you know that there will be no Muse for the weekend of Thanksgiving. I do hope that you all have a blessed time with family and friends.  Happy writing everyone!

💗 Carrie

"Choices" by RaresMorph  

Surreal Image by Robert Jahns

"The Silent Hunter" by Graham Eaton

Photography by Jeanloup Seiff


  1. Replies
    1. I like that final image because it is straightforward. I am off to see what i can do with it.

  2. This was a hard one to choose, so many appealing paths to use. I'm breaking my Sabbatical for this time, couldn't resist.
    Thank you, Carrie, for hosting.
    And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. And to all the writers and readers coming here.

    1. So glad you are here Jim! We have missed you!

    2. p.s. Thanks to all the readers. If I don't return your comment it will be because I'm using my laptop for the while and it is on google's naughty list. My laptop is unavailable for a long time. Mostly if it wants me to sign in that doesn't work for the Smart phone.

    3. Should read "I'm using my Galaxy S8 smartphone".

  3. Have a nice Sunday everyone


  4. As usual, the choices are too good to resist! Happy Thanksgiving, Carrie. 💝
