Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sunday Muse #162


Welcome everyone to another weekend at the Muse! 

 I hope this finds you dry, well, & ready to write! 

Ponder the image~

Search for your pen~

Link here~

Visit your friends~

Have fun everyone!



  1. I really don't like to be first, but ... we had a big thunder and lightening with rain blowing like snow a little after eleven. Then the lights went out and were predicted to stay off until after morning, most of our town, Katy, Texas, had lost power. So we went to bed, I did see Carrie's neat prompt photo invitation before laying down.
    Just after we had pulled sheets over our chins Mrs. Jim's phone rang, it was our eleven year old grandaughter calling. Their smoke detectors had gone off in the dark and the fire department was headed to their house.
    There didn't seem to be any smoke or fires but they should not go back in until the lights came back on, "probably in the morning." We were also informed that they would spend the night at our house. That worked fine, the granddaughter has a room here and her parents would use the guest room. About 12:30 I went back to bed and went right to sleep.
    The next thing I knew Mrs. Jim's bedside light was on and our granddaughter was sitting on the floor beside the bed watching a teen video on her cell phone. It was 1:03 AM. So the SIL went home, we shut off the lights that had come on, and made the AC work as it was getting hot inside. Then we all went back to bed.
    But I couldn't sleep so sitting on the side of the bed I plucked out my write using my smartphone. I wanted to sleep so I tidied up the write and posted it.
    But still I can't sleep and I am hungry so I am getting me a snack, it will be applesauce and yogurt and probably some ice cream. I can't chew as my gums are still healing after the upper teeth pulling surgery.
    Again, nice photo prompt, it ran away with me. Thank you Carrie.

    1. That got long. I'm sorry, sort of.

    2. Sounds like you had quite the night Jim! I think today will be a nice sunny day mostly. Glad you like the prompt. See you in a bit.

  2. Am an early riser for this moon as it evoked some almost spontaneous lines - thanks Carrie

    1. You are very welcome Laura....I am glad it moved your muse. As soon as I get my poem figured out, I will be over to read yours.

  3. Morning everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Bright sunshine here today, but a bit cool. My city prepares for the famous Indy 500 Mile Race and throngs of hopefully vaccinated, maskless people have come for the spectacle! Have a great weekend, everyone!

    1. That sounds exciting Bev...and yes hopefully vaccinated spectators.

  5. Replies
    1. Frank Zappa and me are surprised and delighted you are here Qbit!!

  6. Mornin' all! I went off the rails with this one.

    1. Mornin' my friend....I love off the rails....hope you did not get injured in the process. LOL

  7. Love the image. I think my muse decided since I've been reading Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia I needed to write a dark piece. I didn't argue with her. lol

    1. Never argue with your muse my never steers you wrong.

  8. I couldn't find a place to leave a comment on Li/Lisa's excellent poem, and I got the "Whoops ... Error" message when I tried to comment on Susie's. Woe is me!

  9. Love the image... was about to use many words and then decided to keep it small.

    Made an inbetween site to be able to give the blogger comments.

    ave a wonderful weekend.

  10. Great image. Hard to pass up when some of my deepest conversations have been with crows.

    1. Thanks Charley! Yes I think a lot of poets love crows. I know I do!

    2. Crows and moons — two of my poetry best friends Carrie. :) Great visual prompts!

    3. You can't go wrong. I read somewhere that crows can recognize people that they know even if that person is driving a car below them. I can't recognize people next to me at a red light. And of course the moon knows everything--if it would only say.

  11. Hey all! Late to the party, but I have been way under the weather and feelin’ blue — it’s from that place came my inspiration…

    1. I am so sorry you have been feeling under the weather and down Rob! I am glad you like the image though and hope you are feeling much better soon my friend. 💙

  12. YUP, got my first Jab on Wednesday. Second is due in 2 weeks time. Happy Sunday everyone
    Stay Safe

    much 💜 love

    1. Glad to hear that Gillena! Hope you have a fabulous week!

  13. Joining in this fine Sunday morning. Thank you Carrie for a marvelous image!

    1. I am delighted you like it Linda! Wishing you a wonderful week! (I always love your garden and lovely dog photos on FB!)🤩

  14. Interesting photo - I haven't been feeling well and I guess it's reflective in my poem. Happy Sunday

    1. Hi my friend. I do hope you get to feeling better soon Truedessa! I am sure your poem will be a joy to read!

  15. Thanks for the opportunity to stretch my poetic legs--though I fear they may have just now snapped off.

    1. So glad you are here Roy!! Glad to help with poetic moves and stretches! I can't wait to read your poetry!

  16. Hi friends, I love the picture, though my poem doesnt do it justice. Still, it is good to write something, and link, and read.

    1. Anytime you join us is a blessing my friend. I am a bit behind reading due to a visit with my daughter whom I had not seen in months. Heading over to read yours now. 😊

  17. I'm new to this forum - led here by Lisa's lovely poem 'White Mums', and tried my hand at a Sijo as well. Looking forward to reading everyone's work. :)

    1. Marion: Welcome to the Muse!!

    2. So glad you are here Marion! I am delighted Lisa led you to the Muse! 😊

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This one took me all weekend, but I am finally here.

