Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Sunday Muse: Wednesday Muse # 11: I love to laugh!

Hi Musers! What makes you laugh? Not necessarily give you joy but what makes you laugh? It is the antics of your pupper or cat? Something your kid does? A joke? Does a standup comic make you laugh? And be honest, does someone slipping on ice make you laugh?

I'd like to hear a funny poem - real or made up. Some jakes for example:

What does a cat have for breakfast? Mice Krispies!

What do you call a dog magician? A Labracadabrador!

What did the blanket say to the bed? I've got you covered!

Yes. These are corny. But you get my drift. I want funny from you. Let's make each other laugh. Let's share a smile and a giggle.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. And you are making this comment because you are so brave???

  2. I see the Asian women spammer guy is back. Funny how he posts that crap in spaces almost entirely occupied by non-Asian females. Weird.

    I love the dad jokes! Mice Krispies. Ha! I will see what I can do. I used to be fairly good at funny stuff but I haven't gone there in a while.

    1. Yes the Brave Asian women spammer guy is back in all his anonymous bravery.

    2. If anyone can do funny, you can! 💕

  3. I see the hate woman troll is visiting. He is so brave in his BS...not. Love the challenge. Not sure I'm the funny you're looking for, but I had some cackles with a couple of memories.

  4. I shall delete the idiot. Just saw this.

  5. Your welcome Toni 🌷 i have been getting these spam comments on my blog too. 😢
