Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sunday Muse #195


Photograph by Anita Sedberry at Harold Ross Fine Art Photography.

Hello folks from near and far! Here is another image to light your muse to flame.

Reflect/Write/Link/& Visit other writers along your journey.

Have fun everyone!

💛 Carrie


  1. This is a beautiful prompt Carrie. Thank you.

  2. I am delighted you like it Sumana!I will head to read your's and Jae's when I get mine sorted out. Wishing you both a wonderful Saturday!

  3. Replies
    1. Good morning Shay! I am so glad you are here and looking forward to reading yours. I am having trouble getting mine started. LOL

    2. Ridiculously awesome!!! Sometimes the world needs ridiculous!!

    3. Throw down as to whose poem is more ridiculous!

  4. Hello everybody, Good evening. It is almost 9pm at this end. Loved the image. Very enigmatic. I managed to jot down some lines in ABCD form and then went ahead with my free verse :)

    1. Good evening to you Sunita! I look forward to reading it and am so glad you are here!

  5. Good Morning Guys!!!
    I wrote mine sitting on the edge of the bed this morning. Mrs. Jim had awakened earlier but was sleeping then in her living room recliner. I write from on the edge of the bed a lot using my old Galaxy S8 smart phone. Then I came here, got the paper, made coffee, and all that woke her up at 8:43.
    So then I poured some coffee for and gave her breakfast, one stick from a Granola Bar, we divide a pack of two for breakfast. Unless it's really late and one of us wants to cook and egg and make toast. I cook mine in t he microwave, by breaking it into a cooking oil sprayed little ceramic bowl with a handle, stir it a just a little (don't let the fork tines touch the coated bottom), stick it in and cook for 55 seconds on 70% power. That comes out perfect for us, all parts cooked, no runnies. Sometimes I make mine as an egg and cheese sandwich with mayo and ketchup.
    I came in not to wake her up, but to polish off my write using OUR computer, an older 2018 Dell laptop with Windows 10. It used to be only hers, she really doesn't like it, her old Windows 7 Toyota laptop spoiled her.

    1. I feel as if I have spent the morning there with you and Mrs Jim. Enjoyed your poem my friend.

  6. I was in a Todd Rundgren mood today, and realized how perfectly your prompt fit with one of my favorite TR songs. So here is my lil’ditty… 🙂

    1. Sometimes it is a Todd Rundgren day. Look forward to reading it Rob!

  7. Happy Saturday. Stay warm! Wonderful image to write to, Carrie.

  8. Actuality slipped in.

    Have a great weekend, all!

  9. Happy Weekend! Thanks for the interesting visual.

  10. Good Morning. Its Sunday. Have a nice day.
    Thanks for another stimulating prompt Carrie

    much love...

    1. You are very welcome Gillena and Happy Sunday to you too!

  11. David, I am unable to comment on you blog but, I wanted you to know I always read your wonderful poetry.

  12. CARRIE!!! We made it over the hump ~~ from 79 to a huge 80. Cheers.
